
Sunday, May 01, 2011

Royal Wedding Afterthought

I was 9 when I watched Princess Di's fairytale wedding on TV.  Every little girl's dream is to have a perfect wedding, as for the marriage ... not much thought was given to it.  30 years later, watching the wedding of Princess Di's William, the enchanted mystical feeling no longer there.  I found myself missing Princess Di even more watching Little William now a man, starting his family.
My wedding was not as perfect as the royal wedding, but it was perfect to me at the point of execution.  As for the marriage, I thought it was perfect until it was shattered by another woman.  But it is not altogether a bad thing, I had wanted out of the suffocation, and my wish come true, so I should be grateful to her. Many life experiences will not possible if I were still in the marriage.

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